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Pronto49 - 08th December 14:25

Do supermarkets make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store for their prescriptions, when healthy people can buy their cigarettes at the front?

Do people order double cheeseburger with french fries and a diet coke?

Do banks leave vault doors open and chain pens to the counter?

Do we leave our cars, worth thousands of pounds, on the street and pile our worthless junk in the garage?

Don't you ever see the headline; "Psychic wins lottery!"

Is lemon juice made with artificial flavouring but washing up liquid contains real lemons?

Is the man who invests all you money called a Broker?

Is the time of day when the traffic is the slowest called the "rush hour"?

Do they sterilise the needle for lethal injections?

You know the indestructible black box on airplanes. why don't they make the whole thing from that stuff?


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