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Smithjoara - 04th June 10:38

When writing an essay, it is important to make sure that you incorporate a few pieces of good writing advice into the process. This will help you to not only write an effective essay but also help you to learn about the process of effective writing and how to improve your own work.
1. Don't worry about grammar
If you are already familiar with the basics of good grammar, then don't worry about making sure that your spelling and punctuation are correct. Dr. Steven Rothenberg
2. Use short sentences
Short sentences should be used whenever possible, however it should be remembered that short sentences can be more difficult for some people than long ones, so we should make sure to use them when necessary.
3. Avoid slang words
Avoid slang words and abbreviations as they might cause problems for yourself and others who read your essays or comments on social media as they might be unfamiliar with them. Slang words also tend to clutter up text and cause errors in word processing software, so use two point text instead of bullet points at all times!

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