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ProdesDurst - 18th March 07:30

 Greetings, fellow veterans and friends,

I hope this message finds you all in good spirits. Today, I wanted to take a stroll down memory lane and share some of the proudest moments we've experienced together in the L(Néry) Battery. It's not just about the battles we've fought or the challenges we've overcome, but also about the camaraderie and the unbreakable bonds we've formed.

One moment that stands out to me was during the exercise in Salisbury Plain. Despite the harsh weather and the grueling tasks, each one of us pushed through, showing what it truly means to be part of this unit. The way we supported each other, shared laughs, and kept morale high is something I'll always carry with me.

I invite you all to share your stories, photos, and memories that highlight our time together. Let's celebrate our shared history and honor the legacy of the L(Néry) Battery.

Looking forward to your stories and reflections.

Warm regards,

geometry dash

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