
Swimming the Channel for the RACF

Posted 10/09/20

Today, right now Captain Harry Grantham is taking on an incredible challenge to swim the English Channel to raise aware of mental health issues and fundraise for the RACF.

This afternoon Harry's coach, Tim Denyer at Red Top Swim who gave us a true update from embarkation to now. 'The first 5 hours were more choppy than expected but Harry has gone through the separation zone and is now in the North East Shipping Lane. This part is apparently quite a slog and due to the earlier waters Harry is heading for a 15 hour swim completion. His stroke rate is consistent, he's had a sea sickness tablet and is doing well'.

Keep up to date with Harry's swim on the Royal Artillery Association's facebook page

Read more about Harry's story via this link as to why he is raising the awareness of mental health issues and let's help Harry to reach his target.






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